Postgraduate Program in Bioenergy

Postgraduate Program in Bioenergy (PPB)



The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Bioenergy (PPGB), at the Academic Master's level, was approved on October 2, 2009 by CTCES/Capes. It began its activities in March 2010 and was approved by the National Education Council through Port. MEC 979, of 26/07/2012, in its section 1, page 10. In 2023, CAPES approved the PhD in Bioenergy at the 223rd Meeting of the CTC-ES, which took place from August 14 to 18, 2023.

Bioenergy is an Associated Program in a Network, which is made up of the following HEIs and research institutes: Embrapa-PR, Iapar, UEL, UEM, UEPG, UNICENTRO, UNIOESTE, UFPR and UTFPR.

The nucleating institutions are UEL, UFPR, UEM, UEPG, UNIOESTE and UNICENTRO, which are responsible for all the program's administrative and teaching activities, while the other institutions collaborate.

Bioenergy is an interdisciplinary course : Engineering, Technology and Management. It will bring together professionals from the fields of engineering, technology (chemistry, physics, biotechnology, biology, etc.) and management (administration, economics, etc.).



Collaborating Institutions: EMBRAPA Soja, IAPAR, TECPAR and UTFPR
Intervening Institutions: FPTI and SETI
Research lines